Before you proceed, please ensure you have enabled Storage Locations from Inventory -> Configuration -> Setting and also configured multi-warehouses. Click here to learn more.
An internal transfer is used to transfer one or more items from one warehouse to another. Go to Inventory -> Overview and locate the Internal transfer card for either the source warehouse or destination warehouse. Select Planned Transfer from the options menu of the Internal Transfers card.
In the transfer, set the Source Location and Destination Location and add the items and quantities to transfer in the Operations tab, and finally click on Save.
Click on the Mark as To-Do button to change the status of the transfer from Draft to Waiting.
Click on the Check Availability button to reserve the available items from the source location. If one or more quantities of the demanded items are available in the source location, the status of the transfer will automatically change to Ready, and a button to Validate the transfer will appear. Click on the Validate button to confirm the transfer.
By default, all products and quantities in the Detailed Operations tab will be transferred when you Validate. However, you may manually enter the quantities to transfer in the Done column of the Detailed Operations tab. This is only required when you want to transfer a part of the ordered products/quantities.
If you have entered lesser Done quantities than the Reserved quantities, you will see a confirmation dialogue to create a backorder. If you choose to Create Backorder, then a new transfer for the remaining items is automatically generated.
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